After the ride, I visited PowerOn Cycling in Riverview and discussed the possible purchase of the TiRex with the owner, Mark Powers.
I then drove further north to Flatwood Park and did a 30 mile hard workout on my trike. Flatwood is traffic free. The only others I saw on the 11 mile loop were rollerbladers, runners and other cyclists. The loop is perfectly flat and smooth, a great place to really turn up the speed and get a good cardio workout. I did most of the 30 miles at a high rpm and felt quite tired at the end. There was a moderate wind that made part of the loop challenging.
How many bikes do you have, and how many are you thinking of purchasing? :) I have 3, but I mainly use 2, a summer and a winter bike. The third is a standard road bike (terry) and is reasonably fast and lightweight.
I have three. Two trikes and I just bought a two wheel recumbent, a P-38. I'll post pictures when it arrives, which should be Thursday. I keep one in Florida, one in Atlanta and the two wheeler will travel with me back and forth.
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